Monday, January 26, 2009

Project 356 Continued

Day 26- OSHA came and checked the school's safety. I had to cut down some strings that were attached to the lights (I had inherited them from the previos teacher), and Dave had a list for the shop- he had inherited a lot from the previous teachers as well. We spent time after school cleaning the shop. Fun!
Day 25- I teach relief society on the fourth Sunday. This week was the talk "The Infinite Power of Hope" by President Uchdorf.
Day 24- We went to see Inkheart. I love that book. The movie was fine, I think the sequel (they set it up for a sequel and there is a thrid book too) has room to be so much more enjoyable.
Day 23- Dave loves having his back scratched. The end to a busy day.
Day 22- Kanga plays catch with himself by pushing his toy to the edge of the bed and then catching it right before it falls.
Day 21- I love bedtime. My bedside table is a wee bit busy, but many nightly rituals.
Day 20- and then back to work.... always workDay 19- We went to go see Bedtime Stories! Very cute.
Day 18- We set up the tv thatB left- great Picture!!!!


Anonymous said...

You're so awesome Bekah! I think that project is so cool I want to try it next year I love being able to see your all's stuff. Glad you survived the OSHA visit

Anonymous said...

Ditto! I love seeing what you guys are up to. Is that a head lamp i saw on your night table? If it is I think I have the same one. I use it to read when bdawg wants to sleep.I love it!

Anonymous said...

I find that night is the only time to read- so yup- that's my headlamp! :)

Anonymous said...

i think we have the same laptop... possibly.
and you're watching stardust! i love love love that movie!